All Episodes

Displaying 1 - 30 of 45 in total

Demonology: What Can Demons Do?

I remember being a younger Christian and sharing a meal with a couple of older pastors, who got to talking about a Bible story of demon possession. It may have been th...

Angel Armies Surround Us

I said it on the first episode of this podcast: if you’re a modern Christian living in a westernized country, you’re weird. You’re living in a very weird time and weir...

Does God Really Expect Us to Honor Evil, Wicked Leaders?

The Bible has some hard commandments in it. “Do everything without worrying or complaining.” “Forgive 70x7 times.” “Be content in all circumstances.” “Thou shalt not c...

The Miracle of the Floating Ax Head (II Kings 6)

The raising of Lazarus. The 10 Plagues in Egypt. Walking on Water. Feeding the 5,000. There are lots of miracle in the stories that are pretty well-known, even by non-...

Who is the ‘God of this World’ in II Corinthians 4:4?

Most of us would agree that God and Satan are about as different as you can get. That they are such polar opposites that it would be virtually impossible to confuse on...

Who Hardened Pharaoh’s Heart?

Last week I was discussing a weird story about Moses in Exodus 4, I came across another pretty odd verse that generates some confusion among Christians: Exodus 4:21.No...

Why did God want to KILL Moses? (Exodus 4:24-26)

So, a funny thing happened on the way to Egypt after Moses spoke to the burning bush. Something you have probably never heard about.Even if you have read it before, th...

The Lion Prophet and the Lyin’ Prophet (I Kings 13)

When I first got into ministry, I didn’t know what to do with I Kings 13. I knew God must be trying to communicate something from this story, but I couldn’t figure out...

The Theory that the Apostle John is Still Alive

I few weeks ago I received one of the strangest questions I had ever had sent to me: could the Apostle John still be alive? Now, I probably would have shrugged it off ...

The Naked Man in the Garden when Jesus was Arrested (Mark 14)

So, something really strange happened when Jesus was being arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane. This is the night that Jesus was put on trial, and the next day He was...

Why John 5:4 Got Taken Out of Your Bible

John 5 has one of the most bizarre verses in the Bible. I’m talking about verse 4 of that chapter. This verse is so bizarre, it doesn’t even appear in a lot of version...

Baptism as Spiritual Warfare: Making Sense of I Peter 3:18-22

What happened when you got in the water at your baptism?Guess what? You didn’t just get wet. You made a proclamation of faith- not just to any humans who witnessed you...

Did Jonah Die in that Fish?

Jonah chapter 2 is one of the weirdest chapters in the entire Bible. I mean, think about it: at the end of Jonah 1, he gets swallowed by a giant fish in the Mediterran...

The Zombie Apocalypse in Matthew 27

Night of the Living Dead. World War Z. Resident Evil. The Walking Dead. And… Matthew chapter 27. What do all of these have in common? They all contain zombies. Now, if...

What “Faith without Works is Dead” Actually Means

Entire books have been written about the thorny theological issue I want to talk about today.James chapter 2. At face value, James 2 seems hard to reconcile with the r...

Does I Corinthians 11 Command Women to Wear Head Coverings?

Let’s tackle one of the questions today that no Sunday School teacher wants to get: are Christian women supposed to wear “head coverings” according to I Corinthians 11...

Did Jesus Tell the Truth to the Rich Young Ruler?

What if someone came to a pastor and said, “How do I go to heaven?” Should the pastor tell him how to go to heaven? What kind of pastor wouldn’t tell someone who came ...

Jesus is Weird

So I’ve done 25 episodes now about Weird Stuff in the Bible, but I haven’t talked about Jesus too much yet. And I really need to, for two reasons. One, because everyth...

Pentecost Fixed What Babel Broke

The Day of Pentecost had a lot going on; it probably had more going on than you even realized. This is one of the most significant stories in the Bible; it’s the birth...

The Origin of Demons: Spirits of the Nephilim?

When I was in the book of Enoch a couple episodes ago, something caught my attention. I was reading something from the book of Enoch’s chapter 15. I didn’t read the en...

The Capabilities of Angels: Could they Actually Mate with Human Women?

So on this podcast, we’ve tackled the mysterious subject of Genesis 6 a few times when “the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as...

Did Jesus Quote from the Book of Enoch?

There is a lot of controversy around this Book of Enoch: Should Christians read it or not? Some get confused about whether it should be considered scripture- and if it...

Enoch’s Prophecy that Wasn’t in the Bible

In Jude 14-16, he quotes from a prophecy of Enoch:It says14 It was also about these that Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied, saying, “Behold, the Lord comes with...

Enoch: The First Rapture

I’ll have this debate with people about the rapture of the church, and I will hear this response all the time: the rapture isn’t biblical. I’ll even see it in the comm...

Enoch Was and Then He Wasn’t

Genesis 5 is one of those chapters people tend to read through pretty quickly. It’s a genealogy chapter. It’s a list of names: so and so the son of so and so, so and s...

Is Hell Actually Inside the Earth? (Numbers 16)

We are pressing forward in the book of Jude today. As I’ve said before, Jude is kind of like the Bible’s junk drawer. Everyone has a junk drawer at their house; it’s f...

Was Balaam a True or a False Prophet?

If you don’t know Balaam’s story, you are behind the 8-ball. Most Christians don’t really know who Balaam is, which is a shame, because he is one of the most-reference...

Wait- there’s a TALKING DONKEY in the Bible?

“I just wanted to look.” That’s probably what Balaam was saying when he went with the princes of Moab. They kept offering him money to go up on this mountain and curse...

Why Did God Want to Kill Balaam?

God is not schizophrenic. OK? I just wanna put that out there first. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. God does not contradict Himself. And if He looks lik...

Why Did God Reject Cain’s Offering?

The opening chapters of Genesis contain the first baseball game: In the big inning, Eve stole first, Adam stole second. Cain struck out Abel. Enoch was walked. The Gia...

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