Did Jesus Quote from the Book of Enoch?

There is a lot of controversy around this Book of Enoch: Should Christians read it or not? Some get confused about whether it should be considered scripture- and if it isn’t, whether Christians are allowed to read it.

So on the past few episodes, I’ve established that even though it’s not canonical scripture, the authors of the Bible did indeed read it and believe it. Peter did. Jude did. John did. 

There’s actually a few places in Scripture where Jesus also might actually quote from Enoch as well. Seriously. 

I was actually at a prayer meeting a few weeks ago when someone was talking to me- and totally out of the blue- says “Did you know Jesus quoted from the Book of Enoch? I was like, “no. But I’d find that very interesting.” This woman didn’t even know what I’ve been studying here on this podcast or anything like that. But I listened to her tell me why she thought that. 

I found it to be weird, and I’d like to explore whether Jesus actually quotes from the Book of Enoch in the Bible. 

Turn to Matthew 22, and let’s get weird.

0:00 - Introduction

1:30 - It Started with a Question about Marriage

11:10 - Like the Angels in Heaven

19:10 - Mailbag

21:15 - Did Jesus Refer to Enoch as Scripture?

If you want to get in touch, my email is weirdstuffinthebible@gmail.com
Hosted by Luke Taylor
Did Jesus Quote from the Book of Enoch?
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