The Capabilities of Angels: Could they Actually Mate with Human Women?

So on this podcast, we’ve tackled the mysterious subject of Genesis 6 a few times when “the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose.”

That’s actually a direct quotation from that chapter. And it’s come up a lot on this podcast because it’s a podcast about weird stuff in the Bible, and this is probably the weirdest thing. If you don’t understand why it’s so weird, it’s because of who the Sons of God are: they are spiritual or angelic beings. 

The Sons of God are a collection of spiritual beings that God created and ordered to watch over mankind and report to Him on what mankind is up to. They were to be involved in the management of the earth. But a number of them descended from the heavens and, as the Scripture said, took wives from among women. The testimony of Genesis 6 is that the Sons of God mated with human women and produced children with them. 

So this raises a whole lot of questions- mainly: how? How did spiritual beings interact sexually with women- and not only that, impregnate them?

Is this something any angel is capable of?

Could it happen again? 

Does it even seem within the realm of possibility that angels have the abilities to manifest physical bodies and sexual organs like this? 

So I call it mysterious not because I wonder IF it happened. The Bible is clear: it did happen. 

I call it mysterious because I wonder HOW it happened. 

Even those who accept what the Bible is saying about the Sons of God and the Nephilim still wonder how it happened. 

I find this to be weird, and I’d like to explore why it’s in the Bible. 

Turn to Psalm 91, and let’s get weird.

0:00 - Introduction

2:10 - What Angels Can Do

19:00 - Mailbag

22:45 - Closing Thoughts

If you want to get in touch, my email is
Hosted by Luke Taylor
The Capabilities of Angels: Could they Actually Mate with Human Women?
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