Wait- there’s a TALKING DONKEY in the Bible?

“I just wanted to look.” That’s probably what Balaam was saying when he went with the princes of Moab. They kept offering him money to go up on this mountain and curse the Israelites. 

They wanted him because Balaam was a prophet for hire. Now, he was a real prophet in the sense that he could genuinely hear from God and speak God’s messages. But he was also a very greedy individual in that he would use his prophetic gift for evil purposes.

And then these men of Moab come along and offer him a bunch of money to go up on this mountain and curse the Israelites encamped down in the valley below. So Balaam agrees to go. He says he won’t curse the Israelites for money, yet he really really wants to, so he’s just gonna go up there and look. He just wants to look. That’s what he says outwardly, anyway.

And what happens next? It gets weird. How weird. Well, if you’ve ever heard that there’s a story in the Bible with a talking donkey…this is it. 

So turn to Numbers 22, and let’s get weird. 

If you want to get in touch, my email is weirdstuffinthebible@gmail.com
Hosted by Luke Taylor
Wait- there’s a TALKING DONKEY in the Bible?
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