Why Does God Allow Satan to Exist?

Why does God allow Satan to even exist?

That’s a pretty good question. Satan is the first rebel. He helped cause the fall. He has caused untold death, destruction and mayhem for thousands of years. He is God’s greatest enemy. Yet he is no match for God. God once backhanded Satan out of heaven. Someday God is going to kick Satan into the Lake of Fire for all eternity. 

So why wait? God could snap His fingers and send the devil there right now. So why doesn’t he? Why does Satan get to keep causing problems, meddling in our lives, tempting people into sin and into hell, every single day that goes by? 

I find this to be weird, and I’d like to explore why God puts up with- and makes us put up with- Satan. 

Turn to II Samuel 24, and let’s get weird.

This is episode 11 of Weird Stuff in the Bible.

0:00 - Introduction

2:00 - II Samuel 24 vs I Chronicles 21

4:20 - Coming to Our Census

11:25 - God Used David

14:30 - God Uses Satan

17:45 - God Can use Anyone

Dive into the bizarre and perplexing as Luke Taylor explores the peculiar passages of II Samuel 24 and I Chronicles 21 on the "Weird Stuff in the Bible" podcast. Unravel the enigma of why God allows Satan to exist, delving into the intricate relationship between divine sovereignty, human choice, and the devil's role in biblical narratives. Discover the unexpected twist in this tale of David's sinful census, as God's anger ignites against the Israelites. Explore the strange harmony between God's purpose, Satan's influence, and mankind's choices. Join Luke on a thought-provoking journey through the unusual landscapes of scripture, challenging conventional perspectives and shedding light on the weird and mysterious aspects of the Bible. Don't miss out on this intriguing episode that unravels the complexities of God's use of Satan in fulfilling His greater purposes. Subscribe now and embrace the weirdness in the pages of the Bible.

If you want to get in touch, my email is weirdstuffinthebible@gmail.com
Hosted by Luke Taylor
Why Does God Allow Satan to Exist?
Broadcast by